Лед Цепелин са в най-добрата си форма в периода между 27-29-ти юли 1973 г., когато бандата заснема концерта си в Медисън Скуеър Гардън в Ню Йорк "The Song Remains The Same". Саундтракът към филма, продуциран от Джими Пейдж, е издаден първоначално през 1976 г. "The Song Remains The Same" е саундтракът на легендарния концертен филм със същото име, който е издаден през 1976 г. Изпълненията във филма са записани в периода 27-29-ти юли 1973 г. в Медисън Скуеър Гардън, по време на турнето на групата в подкрепа на албума "Houses Of The Holy". Колекцията съдържа записи на изпълнения на живо на ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Is it coincidence or is he losing his mind? While researching a new programme, John, a successful television producer, comes across a story about a ghostly hitch-hiker. Soon he realises that the story of the Lady in White bears many similarities to part of his own life. Returning to London from a holiday in Ireland, John begins to ask himself some uncomfortable questions. ... |
When Enola Holmes, sister to the detective Sherlock Holmes, discovers her mother has disappeared, she quickly embarks on a journey to London in search of her. But nothing can prepare her for what awaits. Because when she arrives, she finds herself involved in the kidnapping of a young marquess, fleeing murderous villains, and trying to elude her shrewd older brothers-all while attempting to piece together clues to her mother's strange disappearance. Amid all the mayhem, will Enola be able to decode the necessary clues and find her mother? ... |
Enola Holmes is still on the run from her brother and world's most famous detective Sherlock Holmes. After one close encounter too many with him, Enola must abandon her disguise and find a new way to avoid discovery. But when Sherlock's right-hand man, Dr Watson, goes missing without a trace, Enola is unable to resist investigating. Especially when she learns that a bizarre bouquet - with flowers that all symbolise death - has been delivered to the Watson residence. It's a race against time to find Dr Watson before it's too late. Enola Holmes returns in this exciting third mystery. ... |
Настоящата книга съдържа: адаптирана версия на "Принцът и просякът" на английски език; превод на по-сложни думи и изрази, даден за улеснение на самото място в текста; шест теста, подходящи за всички, владеещи английски език на средно ниво, които се занимават интензивно с изучаването му; ключ с отговорите на тестовете, който прави книгата полезна както за работа в клас под ръководството на учителя, така и за самоподготовка. Поредицата "Language Trainer" е предназначена да помага на учащите да усъвършенстват познанията си по английски език за ниво B2 според Общата европейска езикова рамка като: ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A young man appears at the door and seems to be the answer to Marina's wishes. She and her husband Tom have moved from London to a quiet village, and Marina is bored with her life, as it seems she does nothing but housework. One day she wishes for somebody to help with the ironing, and the 'ironing man' appears. Not only does he help Marina with the housework, but he also helps Tom realise just how ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Chee Seng, a 16-year-old Malaysian boy, has to grow up fast as he lives through the best and the worst of times. He suffers heartbreak as his parents' marriage falls apart and experiences the joys and heartache of first love. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Secret agent Ian Munro is despatched to Penang to stop an assassination attempt on the Prince (a member of the British royal family, who is there on a state visit). Munro tracks down the paid assassin, identifies where and how the 'hit' will take place, but can he foil the assassination attempt in time? ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. In the Big Eye House, Annie is the only female contestant left in a reality TV show. Viewers follow the contestants' every move and regularly vote to eject one of them. There is a big prize for the winner, and another for any couple to have a romance in the house. What will Annie learn about the remaining four male contestants, and about herself? And which prize will she win, if any? ... |
Братята Димитър и Недко Богданови и Ани – дъщеря на Димитър предлагат програма с много интересна музика. Базата е българската народна музика, но пречупена през вижданията на тримата музиканти. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Billy Marr, a local misfit, claims he has murdered someone in an Edinburgh park. Inspector Logan and Sergeant Grant don't believe him - Billy has lied many times in the past about crimes he hasn't committed. But then a young woman is found dead in the park. Soon there is another body. Perhaps Billy is not so innocent after all. ... |
Лесен начин да придадете на косата си страхотна форма, обем и свежест, когато бързате за работа или парти! Сухият шампоан Original от специалистите на Batiste ви предлага точно това. Подходящ е за всеки тип коса и притежава чист класически аромат. Той ще преобрази косата ви на мига, като я освежи и премахне излишното омазняване от корените. По този начин тя ще изглежда по-обемна и чиста и по-лесна за оформяне в прическа. Формулата на сухия шампоан е лека и не съдържа парабени и сулфати. Предлага се и в малка опаковка от 50 ml, удобна за пътуване. Можете да използвате Batiste Original: в дните между измиванията, ... |